Veneers cost?
An Unbiased Price Comparison to Save you Money in 2025

In this article we’re going to answer the question, how much do veneers cost?  There isn’t always a simple answer but we are dentists and have your best interests at heart. 


At Smileworks we’re really proud of our prices because you get the best quality treatment for a price you can afford.  This is an article about the cost of veneers.  If you want to know about veneers in general then take a look at our main veneers page.


A consultation is important if you’re thinking about getting veneers.  And I know what you’re thinking;  ‘you just want me to come into the practice so you can sell me stuff, right?’  Or you may be thinking ‘you don’t want to give me the price because you don’t want to scare me.  Because it’s going to be astronomical!’  Well neither are true.



The importance of a consultation

We’re going to give you all the prices in this article and I promise you they’re not at all scary.  If you’re someone who cares about the way they look and you value what we do here then the prices are not going to frighten you at all.

To book your veneers consultation, use our 24/7 online booking system or get in touch by calling 0151 236 5166.

The reasons you need to come in for a consultation are nothing to do with the price really.  They are more to do with which type of veneers you choose and whether veneers are even the right treatment for you.  It’s very difficult to answer these questions over the phone or in a blog. 


But we’ll try our best to do so here. So read on.  Here are the real reasons you need to come in:



You might not even need veneers!

You’d be amazed how many patients we see who think they need veneers.  Patients who come in and realise there are actually much simpler (and cheaper) ways to fix their aesthetic problems.  To give you an example, some people have been told by their dentist that their teeth cannot be whitened with professional teeth whitening.  They’ve been told that they will need veneers.  This might be the case but did you know that there are special types of whitening procedures called ‘internal bleaching’ that can whiten even non-vital, grey teeth?  Also you might be much better off with solutions that are more functional than aesthetic such as dental crowns and a dental bridge if there is significant damage to the teeth.



Furthermore, there is a brand new and beautifully aesthetic treatment taking the world by storm at the moment called composite bonding. This is a barely invasive at all, super good value and done-in-one-sitting treatment that can be done by dentists or dental hygiene therapists. It’s all about fixing small chips and cracks and not the entire face of the tooth. And at £200-300 per tooth it’s no wonder this is one of our most popular treatments. For more information follow this link here: composite bonding.



So plenty of people come to us thinking they need to spend thousands on veneers when in fact a simple teeth whitening treatment with a bit of composite bonding can change their entire smile for the better. If you’re interested to know just how many ways there are to do a smile makeover in 2025 take a look here: Smile Makeover Liverpool.  But the thing is telling someone they need to spend £4,500 when in fact they need only spend £800 is just silly and here at Smileworks we are smarter and have more tools available to us to make you happy.



And we care about you and hate for you to go through life thinking, “I need veneers to make my life better but I can’t afford them” when in fact you can afford the right treatment that will improve your smile and fill you with confidence and bring you happiness.  It’s important to remember that you don’t want veneers.  Nobody wants veneers.  What you want is a beautiful smile, confidence, status amongst your peers and most of all happiness.  And there are plenty of dental treatments out there that are significantly less costly that can bring you all of those things – and more.



So this is the first reason that you need to make an appointment with your dentist.  You might not actually need what you think you need.  The dentist is the only person who can do the proper diagnostics to tell you precisely what you need to make your smile beautiful.  Other less invasive alternatives to veneers is Invisalign® treatment.  See our main page by following the links.  We also have a specific article about the costs of Invisalign® and invisible braces.  You can read that here: Invisalign Cost.



Make an appointment






There are lots of different types of veneers

The other reason you need to book an appointment is that there are tons of different types of veneers – and we need to speak to you about which ones might be right for you.



Again, you can’t really decide this – unless you come for one of our award-winning consultations. The information you receive from our team will change everything you know about veneers and make you feel smart – and possibly change your world for the better.



There are many different types of veneers and they all cost different amounts of money.  We often tell people that veneers will cost you as mush as you want them to – within reason.  You can get Ferrari veneers or you can get ford veneers.  Composite resin or a full smile makeover.  The choice is absolutely yours and our talented cosmetic dentists will guide you through the process of choosing the right fit based on your needs.



Smile Makeover Consultation with Dr Rowland-Warmann BSc BDS (Manc) MSc Aes.Med. (Lond) MJDF RCS (Eng) GDC: 178642



Ferraris and Fords aside, you will see people walking around Liverpool with the equivalent of third-hand souped up Vauxhall Astra veneers.  You know the dreadful toilet-bowl white, massively conspicuous ridiculously white teeth.  Well we don’t do those here at Smileworks.  This is a caring, responsible  and sensible environment and we won’t put dreadful veneers in your mouth no matter how much you pay us.



As well as different costs for each type of veneer there is also the amount of work to think about.  If you only want one veneer then that’s obviously going to be less expensive than the cost of a full set.  What’s more; the state that your original teeth are in is going to affect things as is the difference between new veneers or replacing existing ones.



So once you’ve come in for your consultation and your dentist has helped you decide what veneers to choose, here’s the range of costs that you’ll get here at Smileworks.  And maybe even get a result like this:



composite veneer before and after



The Appointment

This is a really exciting experience and one that our patinets talk about alot in our reviews.  We do the most comprehensive assessment with lots of photos, diagnostics and finding out everything we can about your smile and how to improve it.


  1. You fill out some forms
  2. We speak to you for usually about an hour about what is the best treatment plan for you
  3. We print it off and vive it to you in a nice folder to take away.
  4. You may have diagnostics or x-rays.  All painless (and sometimes even fun because you can learn about your mouth in ways you never imagined.  And it’s not ever as bad as you think it is!
  5. You leave happy, better informed and ready to choose what’s right for you.



Performing tests and diagnostics
More complicated diagnostics and x-rays are included in your consultation fee of just £90. Not bad considering the machinery and experts time usually adds up to easily £100,000 or more!



Taking some professional digital photos with our SLR high definition clinical cameras – you’ll already feel like a movie-star!



Costs of Veneers in the UK – broken down

Composite veneers are less expensive than porcelain veneers because they’re sculpted from special composite resin in a single visit to the dentist. This is different from two or three visits and the expensive lab-work required for porcelain.


Composites cost between £300-450 per tooth and last 5-10 years.  Porcelain are £850-1100 per tooth and last 10-25 years.




Composite veneers are the veneers that are made out of a paste that hardens and is polished by your dentist.  Not every dentist does composite veneers because they are as much art as science.   Here at Smileworks we use a fabulous product called Renamel® that produces lifelike, beautifully translucent results.  But you don’t have to get Renamel if you don’t want to.  We have other materials that are good for different reasons.



Composite veneers will set you back between £300-450 per tooth.  This is quite a bit cheaper than their porcelain counterparts for good reason.  Porcelain veneers are not made by us. 



They are made by our master ceramist in his fancy laboratory.  So everything is done in house with composite veneers so they are less expensive.  This doesn’t mean they are less good.  In fact that’s far from the truth.  



If you have cosmetic problems that need fixing and your teeth are not badly damaged or worn then composite veneers are the veneer of choice.  Whether they will cost £300 or £450 depends on the size of the teeth.  Smaller tooth surfaces take up less composite and take our dentists and therapists less time.  So they are less expensive – and the beautiful results speak for themselves…



Before and after 6



How much for a porcelain veneer?

Porcelain veneers cost between £850-£1100 per tooth.  They are three times the price of composite veneers but are often not three times better looking.  The reason that they are more expensive is that they are made in a lab by a ceramist.  He has his own tools, his own office and his own stuff which he (or she – ours happens to be a he) uses to craft beautifully translucent restorations.  Making veneers is pure talent and we use a great lab who gets us the best results.  The difference in cost is simply that we have to pay him to do his work and this is factored into the cost that you pay.



So whether your veneers are EMAX or feldspathic porcelain, they are made by someone else and that’s why they cost more.  EMAX is super lifelike and porcelain is super strong, that’s the only difference really.  Whether you get one or the other will be determined by your case, the colour of the teeth underneath, the presence of any factors that would require a specific material (e.g. tooth grinding) and of course your preference.



The price of new vs replacement veneers?

New veneers must be critically evaluated.  We work very hard to make sure that they are the right choice for our patients.  A mouth full of porcelain veneers may be great if you are older, or your teeth are very damaged, or your old set needs replacing.  



However for younger people, a new set of veneers means a lifetime investment.  the average set of 6 front veneers in the lifetime of a 20-something year old can be considerable.  Veneers need to be replaced about three times (every 15-25 years so the full lifetime investment is around £20,000.  This allows root canals when teeth flare up and any common problems associated with veneers.




In addition you may need to replace your veneers with implants as you get older and this can lead to a significant investment.  For our younger patients, prepress veneers or composite veneers cost less and are a much better option because they do little to no damage to the underlying teeth.



What if I need a full set?


A full set of veneers costs between £4,500 and £10,000.  How did we work this out?  Well six teeth starts at £4,500.  So if you want your ‘social six’ replacing with veneers then this will be the rough cost.  But consider with a full mouth of veneers there are always things like root canals, periodontal appointments and other work that may need doing that can increase the price by 10% or so.



8 veneers starts at £5,760, 10 starts at £7,200 and more than ten will be £10,000 plus.  There is a range of prices because you might need a combination of veneers and crowns.  Also when you place veneers there is always the risk of damage to the underlying tooth. 



This can mean root canals which increase the cost.  You may also want additional cosmetic treatments.  Crown lengthening is a great cosmetic treatment to do at the same time as getting veneers.  This is where the gums are reduced, giving you more of a ‘Hollywood smile’.



Also teeth whitening will always be required before the veneers are placed.  Veneers don’t whiten like natural teeth.  Their shade and brightness is set.  So we require patients to whiten and get their natural teeth to the desired whiteness before fitting the veneers.




Can I get them on finance?

So who has £6,000 sitting around in their bank accounts?  Not many people.   So for those who don’t there’s finance.   About 75% of Smileworks patients prefer to pay on finance.  Smileworks offer the best 12 months interest free dental finance and also 5 years 9.9% interest bearing loans for your dental treatment.



So there you have it.  An itemised, no messing about assessment of the cost of veneers at Smileworks.  We are not the cheapest.  But if you are shopping around on price then be very careful for two reasons.


  1. Oftentimes ‘special offers’ are not what they seem.  And offers that are too good to be true usually are.  This is complex dental work and believe it or not your Dentist doesn’t make huge profits on the work they do.
  2. Customers won’t pay a huge amount for this type of work in 2025 and do, unfortunately, shop around on price.  So dental practices tend to put lower prices online to get patients in to their practices. Usually with free consultations. But practices like us – the true professionals – are efficient and charge for the consultation because it’s one of the most important parts of getting the work done to perfection. You will not speak to a non-dentist ut find a team of caring and responsible dentists waiting to advise you and answer all your questions, making the whole process run smoothly and giving you the information and tools you need to make a choice.


Veneers Prices in 2025:

  1. Composite Bonding  |  £200-£300
  2. Composite Veneers  |  £300-400
  3.  Porcelain Veneers  |  £850-£1100


Veneers Prices Compared

So how do these prices stack up to some of the big main competitors?  The Harley Medical Group quotes porcelain veneers starting from £795 per tooth (but it’s usually more like £1,000 when it’s all added together.)  The Liverpool Smile Studio here in Liverpool quotes prices starting from £575 for Porcelain. 



This is crazy and they are certainly more expensive than this unless you are getting very cheap materials. Tracey Bell here in Liverpool quotes Porcelain veneers starting from £1,100 per tooth, more than the upper limit of many Liverpool providers in 2025 here in Liverpool.



However, many of the companies that you look at locally simply say ‘enquire’ rather than giving out ballpark prices.  And hopefully you now know the reasons for that.  They think that once they get you in the door they can ‘hard sell you’ or ‘up-sell’ you.  We are professionals and what you see is what you get. That makes for happy dentists and happy customers.





You can see a great comparison of prices in the WhatClinic listing here.  Although many of the prices may not be up to date and it’s always best to check the individual website of each provider.



The danger of ‘cheap veneers’

Cheap cannot mean quality.  The two things are opposites.  So you may get a great deal but your veneers won’t look natural.  Also  you’re unlikely to be happy with them.  Then you have to remember that if you’re in your 20’s or 30’s then they’re going to need replacing.  



They need replacing a few times in a lifetime so it’s going to be much better in the long run  to choose a quality provider.  If you’re interested in getting cheap veneers abroad than take a look at this extremely interesting account from some of our best cosmetic dentists on dental tourism.



To be frank, getting a better smile at any price is a bargain.  If you think that you will gain confidence and satisfaction from being able to smile again then that is truly a priceless commodity and it’s the reason we get out of bed in the morning and do these things for our patients.



To speak to a professional or find out which veneers might be right for you call the office on 0151 236 5166 or fill out the form to get yourself in with a Smileworks cosmetic dentist.  Once you see our practice and speak to our people you’ll soon see that you are in very safe hands.



If you’re looking for a veneers consultation or to speak to an expert, fill out the form in the footer or watch our video / look at some before and afters below;



Before and After Photos

Smile makeover with implants before and after  Composite resin bonding before and after Composite bonding best case Composite bonding before and after

patient Before and after picturecomposite veneers composite veneers composite veneer before and after



Patient Reviews: You say such lovely things…


Based on 1528 reviews
I had an amazing experience with Khalid and Martyn having his periodontal deep clean. I have a phobia of needles and this had been a day of dread for me for the lead up to however I would say and did say to both Khalid and martyn this has been by far my best experience. From beginning to end they both put me at ease. Didn’t sneer at my phobia. Talking me through it and gave me a stress ball to use whilst getting the needles. I’ve had awful experiences in the past where I have felt ridiculed for having this phobia as if it was a choice for me to have a fear of needles. However martyn and Khalid were amazing and put me a full ease and relax throughout the process. Talking me through each step. Thank you to the both of them for the kindness and professionalism. I’m one step closer to a smile with confidence.
Musa A.
15:51 26 Mar 25
Eduardo was really nice and explained the braces journey from start to finish! Excited to see the results
Donna-Marie C.
16:41 25 Mar 25
thank you Eduardo
Robert J.
14:48 25 Mar 25
Eduardo did a fantastic job today i got my braces done everything went perfectly well.👏.
Latinwo L.
12:14 25 Mar 25
Amazing experience with Eduardo. I went to him unhappy with my lower arch and he has provided a solution with Invisalign. I can’t wait to see my perfectly straight teeth at the end!
Megan H.
11:29 21 Mar 25
I'm absolutely thrilled with my recent treatment of Morpheus8 with the fabulous Becca. She's just the best !! Very thorough but always checking I'm okay, wouldn't go to anyone else but her. I would also like to thank Jay on reception from the minute walking into smileworks he's so welcoming friendly and nothing is too much trouble. Excellent service as always, thank you so much Smileworks see you very soon ❤️ xxx
Annmarie J.
12:51 19 Mar 25
The best two out there, Dr. Ana and Dr. Eduardo are so gentle with me and have made my appointments much easier with my anxiety, had the best 2 years under their care❤️❤️❤️
Rayan A.
10:52 19 Mar 25
This is the best dentist ever! JK is absolutely professional, excellent service. Tbh, i used to have fear of dentist and now i had to have tooth extraction and dental bridge. I was so worried i had put it off for month. But it wasnt painful at all, not during the procedure and also not afterwards. And my new teeth look absolutely amazing. I 100% recommend.
Sylvia T.
16:49 18 Mar 25
Had a great time getting my braces fitted. Eduardo and Andreea made me feel very comfortable and even let me choose the music we listened to while they fitted the braces. All very professional and informative.
Travis D.
13:18 18 Mar 25
Had a great experience with Eduardo and Martyn. They’re very knowledgeable and supportive
Joe L.
16:14 14 Mar 25



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Do you want to know what it’s like at Smileworks?  Take a look at our Video and 360° tour below.




Make a Booking today:

…and start feeling better about your smile.

To book your veneers consultation, use our 24/7 online booking system, get in touch by calling 0151 236 5166, or use the booking button below.




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