Composite bonding Liverpool
Dramatic, affordable, same day results


Composite bonding is the ultra-modern way to an affordable new smile.   Everybody wants to be confident.  And perfect teeth will bring you a new life full of smiles and possibility.  But cosmetic dentistry is expensive, takes time and involves many visits to the dentist.  With composite bonding you can get the results of a smile makeover for a fraction of the price.


Here at Smileworks we believe nobody should let chips, cracks, broken teeth or an uneven smile ruin their confidence.  In just a few sessions our extremely skilled dentists can create your perfect smile.  So if your teeth are getting you down, make an appointment today.  We promise it will change your life and you’ll look amazing.


To book your composite bonding consultation, use our 24/7 online booking system or get in touch by calling 0151 236 5166.


Five star composite bonding reviews from liverpool practice.

Will it work for me? Upload a selfie

  The quickest way to see whether this treatment is for you is to submit a selfie and a dentist will assess your photo and respond usually the same day.

What is tooth bonding?


We carefully shape composite resin over the edges and faces of your teeth to produce truly breath-taking results. The process is fast, safe and costs a fraction of most cosmetic alternatives such as porcelain veneers and braces.
The treatment can:


  • Correct the shape and size of teeth for cosmetic perfection
  • Correct slight misalignment (if one tooth is outside the arch)
  • Completely restore front teeth for astounding ‘smile makeover’ results
  • Fix chips, cracks and broken teeth so they look brand new
  • Restore damage done by decay or worn down teeth
  • Close small gaps between teeth


The composite resin will be matched to the existing shade of your teeth. If you want your teeth whiter, we whiten first and then add the composite resin for really super results.  For more information on whitening click here:  teeth whitening.  Composite bonding does not help prevent tooth decay or help gum health. Our dentists will always assess the health of your smile and may help you with gum health or decay before starting cosmetic work. If you want composite resin placed on then entire front surface of your tooth instead of just the edges, composite veneers might be a better option for you.


The results




The benefits

  • Unlike porcelain veneers or braces the procedure is quick. Many will get their final results after just one appointment
  • Dentists call this treatment ‘conservative’ because it does not damage your existing teeth
  • The results are astounding. Patients rave about how this procedure changes their lives
  • Significantly cheaper than cosmetic dentistry
  • The procedure is low risk, pain free and reversible.
  • No complex treatment plans, multiple appointments or difficult procedures

Outstanding Reviews


You tell us you want to fix “uneven, wonky teeth.” You say it “affects your confidence” and that you “don’t laugh as much anymore”. Sometimes your teeth are “too pointy” or “too square” and you “hate looking in the mirror”.   Patients who have completed treatment are “thrilled” because the results are “phenomenal”. You tell us “they look amazing” and that it was the “best investment I’ve ever made”. You feel like you “can smile again without hiding my teeth” and that “the level of care is amazing compared with other dentists”.


Bonding reviews

Smileworks have over 1,000 five star Google reviews.  We take care of our patients and we do a good job.  In fact, you’ll “positively, totally and unequivocally like coming to this place” EH 2022

Composite bonding price (UK)

At Smileworks are prices are extremely fair given the amount of skill and talent that we guarantee with each case. Depending on what sort of dental professional you choose, the price will differ. Dentists and restorative dentists are more expensive but not necessarily any better than therapists. Each professional will do slightly different cases where patients have slightly different needs. All prices are given per tooth.


“Great value for money.” AQ 2021
“much better value for money” WW 2020


  • Composite bonding | from £200 / tooth
  • Dental Hygiene Therapist | £200
  • Restorative dentist | £300


“It is worth spending that bit extra for what Smileworks has to offer.” AC 2022
“Not cheap but worth every penny.” EM 2022


We understand some work can be expensive. We help you pay with 0%APR finance options.  Get an instant result in our office or at home.  We offer patient finance through Medenta Finance (subject to age and status, minimum spend applies)


  The quickest way to see whether this treatment is for you is to submit a selfie and a dentist will assess your photo and respond usually the same day.


Still have questions? Call our super-helpful team and start the journey to a perfect smile. 

 0151 236 5166