Get long-lasting acne scar removal at our renowned skincare treatment clinic in the heart of Liverpool.
what are acne scars?
So you've treated your acne. But what about the scars left behind?
Acne scars can be just as emotionally distressing as the acne itself. Many patients come to us after they’ve tried everything to get rid of their acne scars, but nothing has worked.
Over-the-counter products are great at treating acne, but they do little for acne scars. To banish your scars for good, you'll need more intensive treatments like laser or microneedling.
what causes acne scars?
Your chances of forming acne scars are higher with more severe types of acne like cystic or nodular. When your untreated acne becomes inflamed and swollen, it will usually grow to be too big and ‘pop’ open. The contents of the acne then spill into the surrounding tissues and result in deep scars.
Popping or picking at your acne can also create open wounds. When this happens, your skin produces collagen to close it. Too little collagen results in indented scars, while too much collagen results in raised scars.

The best treatment for acne scarring is prevention. If you don't want acne scars, avoid picking at your blemishes and treat your acne before it becomes severe.
how to get rid of acne scars
While acne scars are one of the most difficult skin conditions to treat, treatment is not impossible. With proper treatment, you can significantly fade your scars and, in some cases, get rid of them forever.
To do this, you must stick to your personalised treatment plan. You may need just one treatment or a combination of treatments. Our skincare expert can help determine which treatments are best for you at your consultation.
prescription skincare
Medical-grade skincare products can lessen the appearance of your acne scars. Products with lactic acid, glycolic acid, or retinoids are most effective. However, most acne scars cannot be treated with prescription skincare products alone. It works best when used in conjunction with another treatment type.
Using a Dermapen with twelve tiny needles, this treatment works by purposefully creating small injuries in your skin. As the skin heals, collagen production increases and smooths your acne scars. Microneedling can be a great option for acne scar treatment, and it’s possible to see significant results after just a few sessions. Starting at £250.
morpheus8 skin tighetning
Morpheus8 is an advanced microneedling treatment that uses radiofrequency energy to further improve the appearance of acne scars. As your skin heals, new collagen will form leading to a sofer scar appearance. This treatment is more intense than traditional microneedling and is best for severe acne scarring. Starting at £350.
chemical peels
Another effect treatment option is chemical peels. Best for treating shallow scars, chemical peels remove the outer layer of your skin to promote growth of a new, smoother layer of skin. If you have deep acne scars, this treatment may not be effective on its own. It may be necessary to use an additional treatment method for best results. Starting at £60.
laser treatment
Perhaps one of the most popular treatment options for acne scarring, laser treatment can be incredibly effective in scar reduction. At Smileworks, we use the Aerolase laser system. This consists of two lasers: the non-ablative Neo and the ablative Era. The Neo is best for treating the acne itself or hyperpigmentation left behind by acne. For depressed scarring, the Era is the best choice as it promotes collagen production as the skin heals. Starting at £250.
dermal filler
For those who have exhausted all treatment options or want a fast fix for their acne scars, dermal filler may be the best choice. While this treatment is temporary, it is very effective in lessening the appearance of scars. Our aesthetic practitioner will inject dermal filler under your indented scar to lift the skin upward, resulting in a smoother appearance. Starting at £390.
I received excellent care, and Becca explained and carried out the procedure in a caring and professional manner. I am already seeing an improvement in my skin so it's definitely worth it! I have recommended Becca and all the Smileworks team to friends and family.
Zoe H.
types of acne scars
When pursuing treatment, it’s important to understand the type of acne scars you have. There are four main types of acne scarring, and some are easier to treat than others. The type of treatment you receive will vary depending the type of scarring. If you’re unsure of what type of acne scars you have, we always recommend booking a consultation with our skincare specialist.
ice pick scars
Similar to the tool they're named after, ice pick acne scars are wide at the top and narrow down into a sharp tip. Ice pick scars are a type of atrophic scar. This is because they are depressed and heal below the surface of the skin. While they may appear small, these scars go deep into the skin making them one of the most difficult types of acne scars to treat.
rolling scars
Rolling scars are another type of atrophic scar and can vary in depth and size. These scars have smooth, sloping edges that give the skin a wavy appearance. Because these scars tend to be more shallow, they are easier to treat.
boxcar scars
Boxcar acne scars can be identified by their sharp edges and box-like shape. These scars are another type of atrophic scar that goes deep into the skin. Like rolling scars, boxcar scars can vary in size but they almost always have a ‘boxy’ shape with defined lines.
hypertrophic & keloid scars
While most acne scars are atrophic, hypertrophic or keloid acne scars can occur when too much collagen is produced during the healing process. These scars appear as raised lumps either the same size or bigger than the acne that caused them. Unlike other types, these scars can feel itchy or even hurt.
benefits of acne scar treatment
The most significant benefit of acne scar treatment is the fading of your scars. You'll no longer have to worry people looking at them. Expect significantly improved or even full removal of your acne scars.
Many of our acne scar treatments are also used as skincare treatments. So not only will the appearance of your acne scars lessen, you’ll also be left with refreshed and glowier skin. Say goodbye to your pores!
If you struggle with acne scars, you know what it’s like to fixate on them in the mirror. With acne scar treatment, your skin will no longer be a burden. You’ll become more confident than ever before.
how to prevent acne scars
While not all acne scars are preventable, there are two important steps you can take to reduce the chance of developing acne scars.
Treat acne as soon as it forms.
When you do breakout, avoid touching, picking at, or popping your acne.
Acne scar treatment can be costly and take months to be effective. If you know you are prone to severe acne, it’s necessary to get the acne under control to prevent more scarring from occurring. Check out our page on acne treatment for more information.
why choose smileworks?
Choosing where to get treatment can be a big decision, but luckily Smileworks makes it easy. We are proud to be Liverpool’s leading acne scar treatment clinic, and we treat dozens of cases every week. With the rapid rise of aesthetic complications, it’s never been more important to choose a reputable clinic that’s run by medical professionals.
At Smileworks, all of our clinicians and technicians are highly trained and experienced in what they do, so you can rest assured in their hands. We strive to offer safe yet effective treatment plans that will leave you with results to rave about.
Acne marks are flat, pigmented spots left behind by acne. This is a form of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. Despite sometimes being referred to as acne scarring, acne marks are not scars at all. Acne marks will almost always fade with time and should be treated as hyperpigmentation.
Acne scars are usually permanent indentations in the skin that are much more difficult to treat. While the two skin conditions are both caused by acne breakouts, they are intrinsically different and have their own treatments.
This entirely depends on the depth of the scar. Shallow scars may go away on their own, but this could take months or even years. For the vast majority of acne scars, treatment is necessary for the depressions to completely disappear.
Retinoids can help with acne scars, but it’s important to remember that it can only help to a certain extent. Additional treatment methods are almost always necessary. Retinoids and other skincare products can be effective when used in conjunction with other treatments but unfortunately will not produce significant results on their own.
If not treated, most acne scars are permanent. While they can fade slightly with time, deeper scars will rarely go away completely on their own. Luckily, there are many treatment options available that can significantly fade or even permanently remove your acne scarring.
This depends on the depth of the scar. Shallow scars can likely be removed entirely with treatment, but it may be difficult to completely remove deeper acne scars. After completing your treatment plan, it is likely that you will have some scars that are removed completely and some that are less noticeable. It’s always advised that you seek a consultation with our skincare expert to help manage your expectations for what your scars will look like post-treatment.
The ‘best’ acne scar treatment will vary based on the severity and depth of your scarring. Some patients see results with just chemical peels, while others may require a combination of more intense treatments like laser and microneedling. The best treatment will vary person to person which is why we always recommend booking a skincare consultation before starting treatment.
This varies case to case, but for most scarring it will take multiple sessions of a treatment to see results. Some people will start to see results after just one treatment, but for others it might take longer.
While it is best to treat acne scars as soon as they form, it is never “too late” to pursue acne scar treatment. Even the oldest of acne scars can see results from treatment.
Post-treatment breakouts are possible, but the acne that forms is almost always mild and will go away within a couple days. This occurs because most acne scar treatments ‘damage’ the skin in some way to promote collagen production, leaving your skin more susceptible to breakouts.
To start your acne scar treatment, you can fill out our online booking form and book straight away. Alternatively, you can call our lovely Front of House Team at 0151 236 5166.
If you have any more questions about acne scar treatment, please send us an email at
To find us, click on the map above or Google 'acne scar treatment near me'.