Ed Challinor LLB LLM

Smileworks First Officer
LL.B LLM. CDMP. Barrister (Gray’s Inn)

  • Shortlisted for UK Search Awards 2018
  • Certified Digital Marketing Professional (CDMP), 2015
  • Called to the Bar at Gray’s Inn. London, 2006
  • Bar Vocational Course. Bristol Institute of Legal Practice, 2006
  • LL.M (distinction) Corporate Law. Nottingham Law School, 2004
  • LL.B Law (hons) University of Exeter, 2003
  • Moz Specialist contributer



Ed is our First Officer and trusty second in command at Smileworks. He was there in 2008 when MJ awoke with a start, having dreamed of a magnificent practice where people loved working and patients were always happy. Ever since, he’s kept busy by business, management and marketing for her beloved Smileworks.  Lucky for us, he came with some pretty impressive legal qualifications and uses his formidable smarts to continually improve the Smileworks experience.



Ed likes meeting exciting people and is often away at masterminds, seminars and conferences on his unrelenting quest for better results. Ed likes data (because someone has to) and is responsible for analytics and reporting at Smileworks.  Spreadsheets, software and analytics are his thing.  That said, he’s quite sad and doesn’t really have a life outside of work.  In his free time you might find him dressed as a cowboy sitting in the Smileworks staffroom or curled up with a book, pretending he can read.  He also likes chatting to our resident beautician and semi-permanent makeup artist, Hannah Taafe because they share a background in law and enjoy sharing amusing police-station stories from previous lives gone by.



Ed also loves digital marketing and small business and writes for popular blogs all over the world.  Take a look at his most recent article on SEO for marketing agency Link360 below and a case study in pure marketing brilliance where he achieved a 2,733% increase in traffic partnering with SEM Rush.  You can read the case study here. He’s also been featured by Virgin and got a shout out from Sir Richard Branson Himself on Twitter.



Ed is always on the lookout for digital marketing professionals to join his team.  You’ll need either a postgraduate qualification in Digital Marketing, a First Class Honours degree in an analytical subject or have a proven track record of exceptional SEO, PPC, UX and analytics to keep pace with the volume of data and we crunch through here at Smileworks.  If that’s you then apply for your dental marketing jobs here.



Shortlisted for the UK Search Awards 2018

Ed Has recently been nominated for the UK search Awards by his friends at SEM Rush for the best use of search in health and has amazingly been **Shortlisted** amongst global businesses including the likes of Virgin, Bayer and some of the most prestigious marketing agencies in the UK.  This is no small achievement considering he is shortlisted among teams of dozens and even hundreds of individuals with budgets 100 times the size of what Smileworks have available to spend on Search Engine Marketing and Optimisation.  Watch this space for a true David vs Goliath Story of SEO…  That said, his results speak for themselves, having out-performed companies thousands of times larger than Smileworks when it comes to ranking on the search engines.  He says;


“This is not because of any tricks or magic but just because Google recognises a great business when it sees one. All I do is write about the magnificent achievements of our teams and showcase the beautiful results of our clinicians – I was pretty surprised to come this far in such a massive competition but then I look at the results we’ve achieved and actually think we probably deserve to win.”


UK Search Awards Shortlist





Dental SEO agency


In this piece on leading SME advice website SmallBusiness.co.uk, Ed discusses how the company overcame a small business cash flow challenge to achieve some pretty impressive success.


You can read the article by clicking the image:


cash flow crisis



Ed has also written for the prestigious GDPUK 20th Anniversary Magazine, a beautiful publication with a legendary following in the dental industry for it’s straight talking, insightful and sometimes downright hilariously funny commentary on dentistry in the UK.

best dental blog GDPUK


Watch our video or go back to facial aesthetics.




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